Lucky Deuces

Dasha Martin

Dasha Martin

Thanksgiving Closures – No Games at Nauti Parrot Tiki Hut on 11/21, Stogie Pairing on 11/22 and Nauti Parrot Oasis on 11/23, 2023

Due to Thanksgiving, Nauti Parrot Tiki Hut in North Fort Myers  is having a special event on November 21st, Stogie Pairing Cigar Lounge in Fort Myers will be closed on November 22nd, 2023 and Nauti Parrot Oasis on November 23rd, 2023. There will be no games at those venues and on those days. We will […]

Thanksgiving Closures – No Games at Nauti Parrot Tiki Hut on 11/21, Stogie Pairing on 11/22 and Nauti Parrot Oasis on 11/23, 2023 Read More »

Lucky Deuces November Tournament will be held on 11/19/2023 @Nauti Parrot Tiki Hut, NFM

The Date for our Monthly Lucky Deuces Tournament is set to Sunday November 19th, 2023 @Nauti Parrot Tiki Hut in North Fort Myers, cards in the air 1pm! LET’S CELEBRATE EARLY THANKSGIVING AND BE THANKFUL FOR OUR LUCKY DEUCES FAMILY! Eligibility & Pre-Registration You are eligible to play in this tournament, if you have at

Lucky Deuces November Tournament will be held on 11/19/2023 @Nauti Parrot Tiki Hut, NFM Read More »

New Venue LUMBER AXE opening night 10/20/2023 at 7pm!

Opening of our New Venue & a Player’s Appreciation Tournament! Lucky Deuces is happy to announce a new poker bar league venue at Lumber Axe. Our opening night will be a Texas Hold’em Poker Player’s Appreciation Tournament on 10/20/2023 cards in the air @ 7pm. Doesn’t matter if you are a new or established player,

New Venue LUMBER AXE opening night 10/20/2023 at 7pm! Read More »

Lucky Deuces October Tournament will be held on 10/29/2023 @Stogie Pairing Cigar Lounge!

The Date for our Monthly Lucky Deuces Tournament is set to Sunday October 29th, 2023 @Stogie Pairing Cigar Lounge, cards in the air 1pm! COME IN YOUR BEST HALLOWEEN COSTUME and win a SPECIAL PRIZE! Eligibility & Pre-Registration You are eligible to play in this tournament, if you have at least 1 red card, earned

Lucky Deuces October Tournament will be held on 10/29/2023 @Stogie Pairing Cigar Lounge! Read More »

NO GAMES on August 30, 2023 at Stogie Pairing Cigar Lounge and Valerie’s Lounge due to Hurricane Idalia!

Announcement NO GAMES today, Wednesday, August 30th, 2023 at Stogie Pairing Cigar Lounge and Valerie’s Lounge and Liquors due to Hurricane Idalia. There are several Tropical Storm warnings and Storm Surge Watch in our region until further notice! Regular games will resume next week as usual! Stay safe everybody, we will inform you about any

NO GAMES on August 30, 2023 at Stogie Pairing Cigar Lounge and Valerie’s Lounge due to Hurricane Idalia! Read More »

NO GAMES on August 29, 2023 at Nauti Parrot Tiki Hut due to the upcoming Hurricane Idalia!

Announcement Lucky Deuces is very sorry to announce that due to the upcoming Hurricane Idalia there will be NO GAMES  on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at Nauti Parrot Tiki Hut! Regular games will resume next week as usual! Stay safe everybody, we will inform you about any other updates and changes for this week’s scheduled

NO GAMES on August 29, 2023 at Nauti Parrot Tiki Hut due to the upcoming Hurricane Idalia! Read More »

Lucky Deuces September Tournament will be held on 09/24/2023 @Nauti Parrot Oasis!

The Date for our Monthly Lucky Deuces Tournament is set to Sunday SEPTEMBER 24th, 2032 @Nauti Parrot Oasis, cards in the air 1pm! Eligibility & Pre-Registration You are eligible to play in this tournament, if you have at least 1 red card, earned in August 2023. Please bring all your cards to this tournament to

Lucky Deuces September Tournament will be held on 09/24/2023 @Nauti Parrot Oasis! Read More »

Lucky Deuces August Tournament will be held on 08/27/2023 at 1pm @Mango Rita’s Rhythm House

The Date for our Monthly Lucky Deuces Tournament is set to Sunday August 27th, 2023 @Mango Rita’s Rhythm House, cards in the air 1pm! Eligibility & Pre-Registration You are eligible to play in this tournament, if you have at least 1 red card, earned in July 2023. Please bring all your cards to this tournament

Lucky Deuces August Tournament will be held on 08/27/2023 at 1pm @Mango Rita’s Rhythm House Read More »
